Additional Personalisation


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This is not a listing for an item, but for the additional price to add personalisation to a small fused glass items like a light catcher or coaster. See photos for examples.

The personalisation will be done in printed words or numbers (e.g. a date) using a laser printer and decal paper. This results in a brown/sepia writing (just the iron oxide is left when it is fused).

Please remember to send the wording of choice either in the comments when ordering or by email to

If you need personalisation for a larger item, please email me for a quote.

Note: if purchasing something from the “personalised” section in my shop you do NOT need to add this listing in as it is already included in the price. This option is only so that you can choose to personalise something that is not listed there.

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Pink, Purple, Turquoise, Blue, Red, Yellow


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